Rugged coastlines, fallen empires, and ancient ruins, Sicily is an island of mystery and beauty. Since Palermo’s mosaics match those of Istanbul, Agrigento’s Valley of the Temples is comparable to Greece’s Acropolis, Siracusa’s Amphitheater that rivals Rome’s, and Taormina has unforgettable beaches, visiting the island of Sicily is like touring the entire Mediterranean.
Days 1, 2, & 3: Palermo, Capital of Sicily
Romance and wonder are around every corner in Palermo. From the Arabic architecture of La Kalsa and the Byzantine mosaics of the Palazzo dei Normanni, to the colorful and usual fruits and vegetables in the outdoor markets, Palermo’s history, architecture, and extraordinary cuisine shine through its rough exterior.
Day 4: Agrigento
Once one of the most prosperous cities in Magna Graecia, Arigento is home to the the ancient Greek city Akrages and Valle dei Templi (Valley of the Temples). Considered the largest and best preserved ancient Greek buildings outside of Greece, these ruins are not to be missed.
Day 5: Siracusa
With the glory of the Greek Theater Viale Tecrito, where plays by Euripedes can still be seen; and the gory Anfiteatro Romano (Roman Amphitheater), where gladiators once battled to the death, Siracusa’s past as Sparta’s ally and Athens’s competitor is evident to this day.
Days 6, 7, & 8: Taormina
Taormina is a magnificent hillside resort with aerial tramways to the beaches. Visit the Teatro Greco (Greek Amphitheater) of the rocky slopes of Mt. Tauro for a panoramic view the deep blue sea and Mt. Etna, or simply lounge on the beach.